If you are anything like me and enjoyed Christmas a little too much of over-indulging, and if it is taking you longer than expected to drop a few pounds, or you simply want to become a healthier new you in 2021, I welcome you to spend more time on yourself to develop mentally, physically and spiritually on a lifetime journey to self healing from the inside out.

Join me on a 30 day yoga challenge where I will help to inspire you to eat, drink, think and sleep more effectively leading you into a healthier lifestyle.

I know it can be difficult to get the work life balance, especially now working from home if you have kids, other obligations and stress thrown in the mix. Since I started practicing yoga, it has made a massive impact on how I think, deal with stress, and business goals I need to work towards. It has significantly increased my energy levels and I want you to feel that too. To give you more time for yourself is so important. We are the best at making excuses as to why we can't do something. Always giving to others what we need to give back to ourselves.


The 30 day yoga challenge includes 30 minute yoga session every day, preferably in the morning. I aim to start no later than 8am every morning. If you have kids and it's difficult to practice at this time maybe you could practice the same time your baby is sleeping or go to bed earlier to get up a bit earlier.

We will be using 'A 30 Day Yoga Journey by Adriene' available on YouTube. I have practiced with Adriene over 6 months now and I find she applies a really nice combination of movements, stretching and strengthening techniques for all levels.

You can take it at your own pace, increase or reduce the challenge to your own level and abilities. The practice will help you to breathe easier, strengthen your muscles and become more flexible. If you have an injury or if you are in pain before or during the session, please contact me and I can advise you on the steps to take for your individual needs.

To access '30 Day Yoga Journey with Adriene' on YouTube, please click here!


What you will need is:

  • Yoga matt for grip or a blanket to work on
  • Block/s (I have and use 2 of these)
  • Resistant bands (Can be purchased online)
  • Extra blanket (Optional)

You can still perform the yoga sessions without these items but for future practice I would recommend to get them should you wish to continue.


If you are interested to join me on this 30 day adventure, please email 'I'm in!' to

You will also have the option to be added to a WhatsApp group where I will share smoothie, juice, food choices, breakfast ideas, along with tips on how I meditate, what helps me, links to self development talks I listen to, muscle and nerve health stretches and massage techniques you can practice from home.

I will post and share healthy breakfast ideas to inspire you to try alternatives that will kick start your day right and hopefully help you to make wiser food choices throughout the day.

This challenge will take place from Monday, 1st February to Tuesday, 2nd March 2021.
To join me for 30 days is ideal but if, for whatever reason, you can't do all 30 days, try as many as you can for as long as you can. 10 minutes is better than nothing at all.



If you feel up to it, I advise you to include a 20min daily TM meditation session every morning when you wake up. The beauty of TM is you can do it in any place, anytime, effortlessly and in your own way. Enter a world of pure bliss for 20min!

It is best and advised to sit up when meditating (not to lie down) as you need to be in a conscious state. You can play meditating, relaxing music for a while to wind down but then I advise you turn everything off and stay in silence. With TM you guide yourself calmly into the meditation and think of a self-healing word that resonates with you, and keep to that same word and repeat it over and over again, e.g., 'healing' or 'calm' - a word that's easy to remember.

20min (less time does not have the same effect) of meditation is scientifically proven to reduce the stress related hormones, to help you manage anxiety levels, and reduce stress if  you feel overwhelmed or too busy in your head. TM is advised also later in the day, e.g., 20min before dinner time.

I have done extensive studies on the effects on meditation, specifically TM and how it impacts your life in a positive way. It is truly incredible and has completely changed how I perceive life. I value everything and have become so appreciative of all the small things life has to offer - self gratitude, love and acceptance. I want you to experience this, too and feel amazing all the time, experience less stress and have more clarity and a fulfilled life of purpose and appreciation for what you have achieved without constantly wanting more. Mediation brings these qualities out in you and gives you enormous happiness and joy.

If you have never meditated before I would prefer if you contact me so I can guide you though the process. It is so personal to each individual.

To find out more about TM mediation, please click here!